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Both Knee Joint replacement rehabilitation :Full recovery in 5 weeks with Physiotherapy

Both Knee Joint replacement rehabilitation :Full recovery in 5 weeks with Physiotherapy

It really feels great when your patients start living life independently doing all the activities of daily living and  exercises by themselves.A true and  real job satisfaction feeling for me as a physiotherapist.
Thanks Aunty for sharing this message. message  for kolhatkar mam

They say doctors are friends i dint believe it until now.
I did this long planned surgery of knee replacement about a month ago and went thru pain.

But now as i stroll in the park or go to a restaurant to dine i believe that its a miracle.
No more pain…The joy to walk again!

I found this newer me !
In this journey. Many loved ones helped me. U r one of it for sure.

Thanks for your help and support until now.
As we complete this bond ..
i promise to exercise and do all that u suggested me.

Ur alwaz invited for coffee and chats at my place!
Thanks stay in touch..

Sunita dixit

Sunita Aunty  had undergone total knee joint replacement surgery for both knees after suffering painful knee joint pain for more than a decade .
I started her physiotherapy treatment after she got discharged from the hospital.Day 1 knee flexion was only 20 degree and  she had flexion deformity.

Week One: Started with static knee exercises and passive exercises for both knees.
Within a week knee flexion was 90 degree and Aunty could do assisted active knee exercises.

Week Two:By 2 weeks we started active exercises in sitting and standing position.Gait training  was started to improve her walking style and eliminate the limp.

Week Three : After removal of stitches she  was more comfortable in climbing staircase and  walking around. In week three , I focused on quadriceps strengthening exercise and full range of motion (ROM) exercise for knee joint. Static Quadriceps and VMO  exercises frequency and repetition was increased. Hamstring stretching was helpful to correct knee flexion deformity.

Week Four: After 4 weeks, Aunty  was confident to do  Quadriceps  and hamstring  strengthening exercises, hip, knee and ankle joint exercises , staircase climbing and  gait without support.She could actively correct her flexion deformity and extend her knee with full range of motion.

Week Five: Sunita Aunty started walking without support. She was able to do daily activities of living and household chores on her own.

It was a pleasure to connect with a positive soul and such a cooperative person who followed physiotherapy treatment religiously.
She  is taking care of her 2 grandchildren now and  enjoying her retired life and  living pain free and independent life to the fullest.I am really glad to contribute my share  as physiotherapist in her journey towards living pain free life and enjoy every moment of life to the fullest.